The wrist cuff or Cowboy Cuff, like so many other items of cowboy gear served a useful purpose. They were used to protect your arms while riding thru rough and thick brush and, while doing ground work. They kept a long shirt sleeves from dangling over hands and kept the wrist area covered if the sleeves were too short. They also kept your shirt cuffs from fraying. Many people call these roping cuffs implying that they were used in the actual process of roping. They were not. While cuffs might deflect a rope burn or might protect an arm entangled by accident, they were never used as part of the roping process. Our Cuffs are available in a few different styles and can be ordered with or without soft leather lining. If you are looking for rugged useful gear or needing to complete your SASS/CMSA attire these cuffs will serve you well for many years. Please contact us for custom sizing and custom designs